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A Comprehensive Guide to Seamlessly Connect GA4 Conversions to Google Ads with Analytics Safe

Discover how Analytics Safe helps businesses transition smoothly from Google Analytics 3 (GA3) to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) while retaining access to historical data. Learn about the importance of linking Google Ads to GA4, the consequences of not shifting to GA4, and how Analytics Safe delivers an uncompromised analytics solution to tackle these challenges.

Aug 3, 2023

A Comprehensive Guide to Seamlessly Connect GA4 Conversions to Google Ads with Analytics Safe
A Comprehensive Guide to Seamlessly Connect GA4 Conversions to Google Ads with Analytics Safe


In the dynamic realm of data analytics, the discontinuation of Google Analytics 3 (GA3) and the rise of Google Analytics 4 (GA4) present a critical transition for businesses. GA4's advanced features provide invaluable insights, enhancing companies' competitiveness in the market. However, the data structure differences between GA4 and GA3 make compatibility challenging, and GA4 lacks the ability to import historical data from its predecessor. This poses a significant challenge for businesses that heavily rely on GA3 data for strategic decision-making. Fortunately, Analytics Safe, the industry leader in data analytics solutions, bridges this gap, delivering an uncompromised and efficient analytics solution.

The Importance of Linking Google Ads to GA4

With the impending sunset of Google Analytics 3, establishing a connection between Google Ads and GA4 has become more crucial than ever. This integration empowers businesses to gain comprehensive insights into their advertising efforts, unleashing the full potential of their marketing strategies. Leveraging GA4's advanced features ensures data-driven precision, essential for success in today's fiercely competitive landscape.

Consequences of Not Shifting to GA4 | Analytics Safe

Consequences of Not Shifting to GA4

Neglecting to transition to GA4 can have serious consequences for businesses and their data analytics endeavors:

Data Discontinuity: 

Failing to migrate to GA4 may result in data discontinuity, obstructing businesses from obtaining a comprehensive view of their customer journey and making well-informed decisions.

Lost Historical Data: 

Staying on GA3 means sacrificing access to valuable historical data. This loss could hinder businesses from identifying crucial long-term trends and patterns necessary for sustainable growth.

Missed Growth Opportunities: 

GA4's advanced features provide valuable insights into audience behavior, preferences, and engagement. Ignoring GA4 may lead to missed opportunities for growth and optimization.

How Analytics Safe Navigates the GA4 Transition Challenge | Analytics Safe

How Analytics Safe Navigates the GA4 Transition Challenge

Addressing the GA4 transition challenge with finesse, Analytics Safe offers a unique data blending solution. Seamlessly merging GA3 and GA4 data into a consolidated dashboard, Analytics Safe ensures businesses maintain access to historical GA3 data while harnessing the power of GA4.

Delivering an Uncompromised Analytics Solution | Analytics Safe

Delivering an Uncompromised Analytics Solution

Analytics Safe's key features deliver an unmatched analytics solution:

Seamless Data Integration: 

The expert team of data analysts and engineers at Analytics Safe have perfected the art of seamlessly integrating GA3 and GA4 data. Businesses enjoy a unified view of their data without the complexities of managing separate sources.

Uninterrupted Insights: 

By retaining historical GA3 data, businesses can analyze long-term trends and track performance changes over time. This continuity empowers well-informed decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of the audience.

Tailored Packages: 

Analytics Safe offers three main packages – Basic, Mid-Tier, and Enterprise – tailored to suit the unique needs and sizes of different businesses. Customized solutions ensure maximum value from the data analytics investment.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Connect GA4 Conversions to Google Ads | Analytics Safe

A Step-by-Step Guide to Connect GA4 Conversions to Google Ads

To seamlessly connect GA4 conversions to Google Ads, Analytics Safe provides the following step-by-step guide:

Setting up GA4 Properties: 

Create a new GA4 property and configure it to track essential metrics, including conversions.

Google Ads Linking: 

Establish a connection between GA4 and Google Ads accounts for seamless data sharing.

Configuring Conversion Events: 

Define and configure specific conversion events to track, such as purchases, sign-ups, or form submissions.

Importing Historical Data: 

Utilize Analytics Safe's expertise to import historical GA3 data into GA4 for a comprehensive view of marketing performance.

Optimizing Advertising Strategies: 

Leverage the combined power of GA4 and Google Ads data to optimize advertising campaigns and achieve higher ROI.


As the sunset of Google Analytics 3 approaches, the urgency of transitioning to Google Analytics 4 cannot be underestimated. Analytics Safe emerges as the ideal solution, bridging the gap between GA3 and GA4 with its uncompromised and efficient analytics offering. By linking Google Ads to GA4 and seamlessly integrating historical data, Analytics Safe empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions seamlessly, unlocking their true potential in the rapidly evolving market landscape. Contact Analytics Safe today to embrace the future of data analytics and embark on a journey of unparalleled insights and growth!