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How to Link Google Ads to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) 2023: Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to seamlessly link Google Ads to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) amidst the sunsetting of GA3. As businesses face the challenge of data transition, discover how Analytics Safe's unique offering ensures an uninterrupted and efficient analytics solution for smarter decision-making.

Aug 1, 2023

How to Link Google Ads to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) 2023: Step-by-Step Guide | Analytics Safe
How to Link Google Ads to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) 2023: Step-by-Step Guide | Analytics Safe


In the fast-evolving landscape of data analytics, businesses are witnessing a significant transition with the sunsetting of Google Analytics 3 (GA3). As GA4 takes the center stage with its advanced features and capabilities, the discontinuation of GA3 poses a challenge for businesses relying on Google Analytics for strategic decision-making. Amidst these changes, Analytics Safe emerges as a trailblazer, bridging the gap between GA3 and GA4, and providing businesses with a seamless data transition. In this blog, we'll guide you through the step-by-step process of linking Google Ads to Google Analytics 4, highlighting the crucial importance of this integration in 2023.

Why Link Google Ads to Google Analytics 4 Now More Than Ever?  | Analytics Safe

Why Link Google Ads to Google Analytics 4 Now More Than Ever? 

With the sunsetting of Google Analytics 3, businesses must swiftly adapt to the new data analytics era represented by Google Analytics 4. Failure to make this shift can result in the loss of valuable historical data from GA3, leaving businesses devoid of vital insights. Transitioning to GA4 is essential as it offers enhanced cross-platform tracking, deeper customer insights, and a more robust user-centric approach to data analysis. By linking Google Ads to GA4, businesses can unlock a wealth of new opportunities and data-driven strategies.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Link Google Ads to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) | Analytics Safe

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Link Google Ads to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) 

Follow these straightforward steps to successfully link Google Ads to Google Analytics 4 and embark on a data-driven journey with enhanced insights and decision-making capabilities:

Step 1: Access Your Google Analytics 4 Property 

Log in to your Google Analytics account and navigate to the GA4 property for which you want to link Google Ads. Ensure you have the appropriate permissions for both Google Analytics and Google Ads accounts.

Step 2: Set Up Google Ads Linking in GA4 

In your GA4 property, click on the "Admin" option in the bottom left corner. Under the "Property" column, select "Data Streams." Here, click on the "+Add Data Stream" button and choose "Web."

Step 3: Configure Web Data Stream 

In the configuration menu, provide relevant information for your data stream, including your website URL, data stream name, and select "Google Ads" as the data source. Configure the other settings according to your preferences and click on the "Create stream" button.

Step 4: Enable Auto-Tagging in Google Ads 

For successful data integration, ensure that auto-tagging is enabled in your Google Ads account. To do this, sign in to your Google Ads account and navigate to "Settings" > "Account Settings." Under "Tracking," check the box next to "Auto-tagging" and click "Save Changes."

Step 5: Link Google Ads and GA4 

Now, go back to your Google Analytics 4 property. In the "Data Streams" section, find your newly created data stream for Google Ads and click on the "Link" option. Follow the instructions to complete the linking process between Google Ads and GA4.

Step 6: Verify the Link 

After linking is complete, perform a thorough verification to ensure data synchronization between Google Ads and GA4. Test various aspects, including conversions, events, and user interactions, to confirm seamless integration.

The Role of Analytics Safe in Navigating the GA3 to GA4 Transition 

As businesses grapple with the impending challenges of the GA3 to GA4 transition, Analytics Safe emerges as a reliable ally. With a unique offering that consolidates GA3 and GA4 data into a single dashboard, Analytics Safe ensures the continuity of historical data, enabling businesses to maintain uninterrupted data-driven decision-making.

Uncompromised Analytics Solution with Analytics Safe: 

Analytics Safe's team of expert data analysts and engineers specializes in data blending, ensuring a smooth transition from GA3 to GA4. By leveraging their expertise, businesses can seamlessly link Google Ads to GA4, empowering them to harness the full potential of GA4's advanced features and capabilities.


In the face of Google Analytics 3's sunsetting, the integration of Google Ads with Google Analytics 4 has become more critical than ever. Businesses must act swiftly to adapt to GA4's advanced analytics capabilities. Analytics Safe offers a tailored solution, allowing businesses to smoothly navigate the data transition while retaining access to historical data. Embrace the step-by-step guide provided here and rely on Analytics Safe's expertise to unlock the power of data for smarter decision-making in 2023 and beyond.