Universal Analytics Data Backup

Act Now and Backup Your Google UA Historical Data!

Standard GA3 Property is Sunsetting on 1st July 2023 and Analytics 360 property will get turned off on 1st July 2024!

May 25, 2023

Google has announced that users will be able to access their Universal Analytics (UA) data until July 2024. This is good news for those who have not yet exported their data, as they will now have more time to do so. Starting from July 1, 2023, data collection will cease, and Google will automatically create Google Analytics 4 accounts for UA users who haven't done so already.

UA is being replaced by Google Analytics 4 (GA4), which is a newer and more advanced version of the analytics platform. GA4 offers a number of features that UA does not, such as cross-platform tracking and predictive analytics. However, GA4 is still under development, and some users may prefer to continue using UA until it is more mature.

Here are some important points to consider when planning your GA4 migration:

Act Now and Backup Your Google UA Historical Data! | Points to consider when planning your GA4 Migration
  1. Access to Historical Data: Following the sunset, users will still have Viewer access to their historical data and reports within the user interface. However, Editor access will no longer be available.

  2. Data Export: It is still possible to export your data using the available solutions. However, please note that after the property turndown, no new data will be processed, and there will be no updated reports or metrics reflecting post-sunset data.

  3. Implications for Bidding, Audience, and Conversion Data: Bidding, audience, and conversion data will no longer be transmitted to Google Ads or third-party integrations after the sunset.

  4. Universal Analytics 360 Contract Holders: Existing Universal Analytics 360 contract holders will have the option to create standard Universal Analytics properties and upgrade them to 360 to continue data processing.

Be sure to keep these considerations in mind as you plan your transition to GA4.

For more in-depth information, explore further by visiting the Google Analytics Help page. There, you can delve into additional significant milestones concerning Universal Analytics (UA), Google Analytics 4 (GA4), and Analytics 360.

As data collection comes to an end, advertisers might need to consider alternative solutions or opt for an upgrade to Google Analytics 4. GA4 provides enhanced functionalities such as cross-device tracking, machine learning capabilities, and improved privacy controls. However, it's crucial to remember to export your historical data before losing access on July 1, 2024. 

If you are looking for a solution to migrate your UA data and preserve your historical data, then Analytics Safe is the perfect choice for you. Contact Analytics Safe today to learn more about our pricing options and services. Here are some additional details about the benefits of using Analytics Safe:

Points to consider when planning your GA4 Migration | Benefits of using Analytics Safe
  1. Data preservation: Analytics Safe uses industry-leading security measures to protect your data. Your data is also stored in the cloud, so you can access it from anywhere.

  2. Comprehensive reporting: Analytics Safe offers a wide range of reporting features, including custom reports, trend analysis, and segmentation. You can also use Analytics Safe to create dashboards that provide a visual overview of your data.

  3. Scalability: Analytics Safe can be scaled to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. Whether you have a small business or a large enterprise, Analytics Safe can help you manage your data effectively.

  4. Ease of use: Analytics Safe is easy to use, all you have to do is select a plan which fulfills your needs and sit back!

You can trust us with safeguarding your valuable data to ensure its availability for future analysis and reporting purposes.