Data Transformation Simplified: Migrate from GA3 to GA4 with Analytics Safe's Mid-Tier Package

Discover how Analytics Safe's Mid-Tier Package offers a seamless and efficient solution for businesses transitioning from Google Analytics 3 (GA3) to Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Preserve access to historical data and leverage GA4's advanced features with Analytics Safe's expert data blending services. Don't risk losing valuable insights – learn why Analytics Safe is the perfect solution for your GA3 to GA4 migration needs.

Jul 28, 2023

Data Transformation Simplified: Migrate from GA3 to GA4 with Analytics Safe's Mid-Tier Package
Data Transformation Simplified: Migrate from GA3 to GA4 with Analytics Safe's Mid-Tier Package


In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, data analytics has become a vital pillar of strategic decision-making. For businesses relying heavily on Google Analytics, the discontinuation of Google Analytics 3 (GA3) brings forth a significant challenge. The emergence of Google Analytics 4 (GA4) introduces a different data structure, making it incompatible with GA3 and posing potential obstacles for businesses migrating their data. To address this pressing issue, Analytics Safe, an industry leader in data analytics solutions, has developed the Mid-Tier Package – a comprehensive solution that simplifies the transition from GA3 to GA4 while preserving access to historical data.

The Challenge: GA3 Discontinuation and Data Structure Shift

The recent decision by Google to discontinue GA3 has left countless businesses grappling with the repercussions. Transitioning to GA4 is essential to access advanced analytics capabilities and stay competitive. However, GA4 lacks the capability to import historical data from GA3, creating a need for businesses to find a reliable solution to preserve this valuable information. Without a well-planned migration, businesses risk losing crucial insights and hindering their data-driven decision-making process.

Consequences of Not Choosing Analytics Safe

Failing to adopt Analytics Safe's solution can have severe consequences for businesses relying on GA3 data. Here are some key reasons why businesses should consider Analytics Safe's Mid-Tier Package:

Uninterrupted Access to Historical Data:

Analytics Safe's Mid-Tier Package ensures that businesses maintain access to their historical GA3 data even after the transition to GA4. This continuity is essential for preserving valuable insights and enabling accurate trend analysis, benchmarking, and performance tracking.

Seamless Migration Process:

With Analytics Safe, the transition from GA3 to GA4 becomes a streamlined and hassle-free experience. Their team of expert data analysts and engineers specialize in data blending, allowing businesses to seamlessly migrate their data while overcoming the structural differences between GA3 and GA4.

Tailored Solutions for Unique Business Needs:

Analytics Safe understands that each business is unique and requires a customized approach. Their Mid-Tier Package is designed to cater to the needs of mid-to-large e-commerce businesses, digital marketing agencies, online financial service companies, SaaS companies, and online education platforms. By offering tailored solutions, Analytics Safe ensures that businesses can make the most of GA4's advanced features while addressing their specific industry challenges.

Advanced Features and Capabilities of GA4:

By transitioning to GA4 with Analytics Safe, businesses unlock access to an array of powerful features and capabilities. GA4 offers enhanced cross-device tracking, deeper integration with Google Ads, improved data modeling, and a user-centric data approach. Leveraging these features empowers businesses to gain comprehensive insights and make data-driven decisions with confidence.

The Analytics Safe Advantage: Mid-Tier Package Highlights

Analytics Safe's Mid-Tier Package is the ideal solution for businesses seeking a comprehensive and efficient GA3 to GA4 migration process. Key highlights include:

Expert Data Analysts and Engineers:

Analytics Safe's team of highly skilled data analysts and engineers possess deep expertise in blending GA3 and GA4 data. They ensure a seamless migration process, minimizing disruptions and maximizing data integrity.

Customized Data Transformation:

The Mid-Tier Package offers personalized data transformation services to meet the specific needs of businesses. Analytics Safe understands the nuances of different industries and tailors the migration process accordingly, ensuring accurate data mapping and integration.

Consolidated Dashboard:

Analytics Safe's unique offering combines GA3 and GA4 data into a single, consolidated dashboard. This unified view allows businesses to analyze data seamlessly, compare performance metrics, and derive actionable insights to drive growth.

Scalable Solutions:

The Mid-Tier Package is designed to accommodate businesses of varying sizes. Whether you're a mid-sized e-commerce business or a large online financial service company, Analytics Safe provides scalable solutions that align with your growth trajectory.


In the era of data-driven decision-making, businesses cannot afford to ignore the challenges posed by the shift from GA3 to GA4. Analytics Safe's Mid-Tier Package offers a comprehensive solution that simplifies the data transformation process, ensures uninterrupted access to historical data, and leverages the advanced features of GA4. Don't risk losing valuable insights – embrace Analytics Safe's expertise to navigate the GA3 to GA4 migration seamlessly. Trust Analytics Safe to empower your business with accurate, consolidated data and make informed decisions to propel growth in today's data-centric world. With Analytics Safe's Mid-Tier Package, data transformation is simplified, enabling you to seize the opportunities offered by GA4 without compromising on your valuable historical data.