Google Analytics 4

Setting Up Google Analytics 4 with Google Tag Manager: Easy Implementation Guide

Learn how to smoothly transition from Google Analytics 3 (GA3) to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) using Google Tag Manager. Discover why linking GA4 with Tag Manager is essential amidst GA3's discontinuation, and explore how Analytics Safe's expert data blending solutions offer an efficient analytics solution to businesses, ensuring uninterrupted data-driven decision-making.

Aug 11, 2023

Setting Up Google Analytics 4 with Google Tag Manager: Easy Implementation Guide
Setting Up Google Analytics 4 with Google Tag Manager: Easy Implementation Guide

Introduction: The Urgency of Linking Google Analytics 4 with Google Tag Manager

As the data analytics landscape undergoes a significant transition, businesses are facing a critical challenge with the discontinuation of Google Analytics 3 (GA3) and the migration to Google Analytics 4 (GA4). With the unique data structure of GA4 and its inability to import historical data from GA3, many businesses risk losing access to valuable historical data. This disruption can have severe consequences for strategic decision-making processes and hinder the growth of companies that rely on data-driven insights.

To address this urgent need for continuity and seamless transition, Analytics Safe, an industry-leading technology company, has developed a consolidated dashboard that blends GA3 and GA4 data into a single, comprehensive view. This Easy Implementation Guide will walk you through the process of linking GA4 with Google Tag Manager, providing you with an efficient solution to navigate these challenges and preserve access to your valuable historical data.

Understanding the Transition: GA3 Sunset and Consequences | Analytics Safe

Understanding the Transition: GA3 Sunset and Consequences

Google Analytics 3 has been an integral part of businesses' data analytics strategies for years. However, with its discontinuation, companies that have not yet shifted to GA4 face several potential consequences:

Loss of Data: 

Without migrating to GA4 and linking it with Google Tag Manager, businesses risk losing access to historical data and the insights it provides for future decision-making.

Limited Tracking: 

GA3's tracking capabilities will become obsolete, leaving businesses without an accurate understanding of their website or app performance and user behavior.

Missed Opportunities: 

GA4 offers advanced features and capabilities that can provide valuable insights into customer journeys, enabling businesses to optimize their marketing and user experience.

Benefits of Linking GA4 with Google Tag Manager | Analytics Safe

Benefits of Linking GA4 with Google Tag Manager

By connecting GA4 with Google Tag Manager, businesses can overcome the challenges posed by GA3's discontinuation and unlock numerous benefits:

Seamless Migration: 

Google Tag Manager simplifies the migration process, allowing businesses to transition from GA3 to GA4 without significant disruptions.

Centralized Tracking: 

Tag Manager enables centralized tracking, making it easier to manage and implement tags across multiple platforms.

Enhanced Data Accuracy: 

Linking GA4 with Tag Manager ensures accurate and reliable data collection, improving the overall quality of analytics insights.

Easy Implementation Guide: Linking GA4 with Google Tag Manager | Analytics Safe

Easy Implementation Guide: Linking GA4 with Google Tag Manager

Follow these steps to link GA4 with Google Tag Manager smoothly:

Step 1: Create a GA4 Property

  • Sign in to your Google Analytics account.

  • Navigate to the "Admin" section and select "Create Property."

  • Follow the setup process to create your GA4 property.

Step 2: Set Up Google Tag Manager

  • Sign in to your Google Tag Manager account or create one if you don't have it.

  • Create a new Tag Manager container for your website or app.

  • Install the Tag Manager code on your website or app.

Step 3: Configure GA4 Tag in Google Tag Manager

  • In your Tag Manager container, click "Tags" and then "New."

  • Choose "Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration" and enter your GA4 property ID.

  • Set up triggers to specify when the tag should fire (e.g., page views, events).

  • Save your configuration and submit it for publishing.

Step 4: Preview and Test

  • Use Tag Manager's preview mode to verify that the GA4 tag is firing correctly.

  • Test various user interactions to ensure accurate data collection.

Step 5: Publish and Monitor

  • Once you've confirmed the tag's accuracy, publish the changes in Google Tag Manager.

  • Regularly monitor your GA4 data to ensure smooth data flow and accuracy.

Analytics Safe: Delivering Uncompromised and Efficient Analytics Solutions

In the face of GA3's sunset, Analytics Safe has emerged as a lifeline for businesses seeking a seamless transition to GA4 while preserving their historical data. Their expert team of data analysts and engineers specializes in data blending, offering three main packages (Basic, Mid-Tier, and Enterprise) tailored to cater to various business needs.

With Analytics Safe, businesses can leverage the benefits of linking GA4 with Google Tag Manager, ensuring continuity in their data-driven decision-making processes. By delivering a consolidated dashboard that blends GA3 and GA4 data, Analytics Safe empowers CTOs of e-commerce businesses, Data Analytics Managers in digital marketing agencies, CIOs in online financial service companies, Heads of Marketing in SaaS companies, and Directors of Analytics in online education platforms to navigate the data analytics landscape with ease.

Conclusion: Secure Your Data Future with Analytics Safe

As GA3 sunsets and the industry transitions to GA4, it is crucial for businesses to link GA4 with Google Tag Manager to ensure a seamless migration and maintain access to historical data. Analytics Safe's advanced data blending solutions provide an uncompromised analytics experience, empowering businesses to make data-driven decisions with confidence. Don't let the sunset of GA3 hinder your growth; embrace Analytics Safe's expertise to navigate the shift efficiently and unlock the full potential of your data analytics strategies. Contact us to make the transition today and secure your data’s future!