Data Migration

Mastering the Migration: A Comprehensive Guide to Moving from UA to GA4 in Looker Studio

Are you using Looker Studio for your analytics and wondering whether you should switch from Universal Analytics (UA) to Google Analytics 4 (GA4)? If so, you're in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we'll show you how to make the transition seamlessly, from setting up your new data source to creating custom reports and dashboards that will provide you with actionable insights. We'll also provide you with some best practices to help you get the most out of GA4 in Looker Studio. By the end of this guide, you'll be a pro at navigating GA4 and maximizing its potential in Looker Studio. So, let's get started.

May 9, 2023

Preparing for the Migration Process

Before you begin the migration process, there are a few things you should do to ensure a smooth transition.

First, make sure you have a solid understanding of GA4. This includes knowing the differences between GA4 and UA, as well as the new features and functionality that GA4 offers. You can find more information about GA4 in the Google Analytics Help Center.

Second, create a backup of your current data source in Looker Studio. This will ensure that you have a copy of your data source in case anything goes wrong during the migration process.

Finally, inform your team of the upcoming migration and explain the benefits of moving to GA4. This will help to ensure that everyone is on board with the change and is familiar with the new features and functionality of GA4.

Step-by-Step Guide to Migrating from UA to GA4 in Looker Studio

Now that you've prepared for the migration process, it's time to get started. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you migrate from UA to GA4 in Looker Studio.

Create a new data source in Looker Studio for GA4.

  • In the Looker Studio UI, navigate to the "Data" tab and click on "New Connection".

  • Select "Google Analytics 4" as the connection type.

  • Enter the appropriate credentials and settings to connect to your GA4 property.

  • Save the new data source.

Migrate your existing reports and dashboards to the new data source.

  • In the Looker Studio UI, navigate to the "Explore" tab and select the report or dashboard you want to migrate.

  • Click on "Edit" and select the new GA4 data source.

  • Update any dimensions or metrics that are not available in GA4.

  • Save the updated report or dashboard.

Set up custom dimensions and metrics in GA4.

  • In the GA4 UI, navigate to "Admin" and select "Custom Definitions".

  • Create new custom dimensions and metrics as needed.

  • Make note of the names and IDs of these custom dimensions and metrics.

Update your Looker Studio reports and dashboards to use the new custom dimensions and metrics.

  • In the Looker Studio UI, navigate to the "Explore" tab and select the report or dashboard you want to update.

  • Click on "Edit" and select the new GA4 data source.

  • Add the custom dimensions and metrics to the report or dashboard.

  • Save the updated report or dashboard.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

During the migration process, you may encounter some common issues and errors. Here are a few tips to help you troubleshoot these issues.

  • If you're having trouble connecting to your GA4 property, check that you have entered the correct credentials and settings.

  • If you're missing dimensions or metrics in GA4, check that you have enabled the appropriate features in your GA4 property.

  • If you're encountering errors when updating your reports and dashboards, make sure you have selected the correct data source and that you have updated any dimensions or metrics that are not available in GA4.

Best Practices for Using GA4 in Looker Studio

Now that you've successfully migrated to GA4 in Looker Studio, it's time to start using it to its full potential. Here are some best practices to help you get the most out of GA4 in Looker Studio.

  • Take advantage of GA4's new features and functionality, such as predictive metrics and machine learning models.

  • Use custom dimensions and metrics to track the specific data points that are most important to your business.

  • Combine data from multiple sources, such as Google Ads and Google BigQuery, to gain a more complete picture of your business.

  • Use Looker Studio's visualization tools to create customized reports and dashboards that provide the insights you need to make informed decisions.


Migrating from UA to GA4 in Looker Studio may seem like a daunting task, but with the right preparation and guidance, it can be a smooth and seamless process. By following the steps outlined in this guide and implementing best practices for using GA4 in Looker Studio, you'll be able to take your analytics game to the next level and provide your team with the insights they need to make informed decisions. So, what are you waiting for? Start mastering the migration today!

Looking to save your Universal Analytics Data before it gets cleared by Google? Look no further than Analytics Safe. Our migration service offers a seamless transition of your UA data to a secure database, with custom-built visualization looker studio dashboards and lifetime access to ensure you can continue making informed decisions for your business.

Don't risk losing valuable insights into your business with the sunset of Google Analytics UA. Let our expert team safeguard your data and provide you with the tools you need to succeed. Get started with your UA Data migration today with Analytics Safe.