Data Migration

Is It Advisable to Allow Google to Progress Your Universal Analytics Account to GA4 Automatically?

Do you think it is a good idea to allow Google to upgrade your Universal Analytics account to GA4?

May 9, 2023

There has been a large number of notifications sent to you. A great number of emails have been received. You have grown so familiar with the blue notification box that you may have even gone against the grain and downloaded the GA4 Notification Remover.

An illustration is provided here that shows the need to migrate to Google Analytics 4. It is seen as a necessity to transfer over in order to benefit from the latest features and data that the new version has to offer.

It is important to be aware that Universal Analytics is in the process of being phased out, and businesses should shift to the new version of the Google Analytics platform, Google Analytics 4 (GA4). The upgraded measurement tool has been given a new name and has had a makeover.

For a number of years, we have continuously been providing Google Analytics services to our customers in preparation for this event. A few businesses were quick to embrace the technology, keen to discover what Google Analytics can bring in the future. Meanwhile, other firms have large, intricate websites, which need a lot of planning and coordination in order to measure properly and implement the required changes.

As the deadline for the deprecation of standard GA properties (July 2023) approaches, we have been uncertain about the outcome. However, Google has recently revealed its plans: on February 28th, proprietors of Universal Analytics properties will have the chance for Google to "automagically" transition them to GA4. In other words, the tech giants will employ a type of JavaScript sorcery to convert the existing code on the website, regardless of implementation, and shift the data into a brand-new GA4 property.

Congratulations to those of you who have already created a GA4 property and linked it to your Universal Analytics property. You have done well and should be proud of yourself. Nothing else is needed on your part.

GA4 Migration

This indicates the steps involved in the transition.

The rest of us have limited time to make a choice; either permit Google to update the property for us or reject the offer and let the UA property continue until the analytics sunset. To be precise, the GA4 property will only be created if you have a standard property that has received data in the last 12 months and you haven't linked or associated it with a GA4 property, and haven't opted out, then you may want to consider doing so to take advantage of GA4's enhanced features and capabilities.

This GA4 property, generated automatically, won't include any complicated features, and further adjustments may be required.

The ideal situation is that you would have already made preparations and established a plan. However, there are times when you have neglected some Accounts, personal domains, or side projects. What should you do when Google inquires about automatically upgrading them to GA4?

The following image depicts the process of migrating to Google Analytics 4:

Migration to GA4

Our opinion on this topic is that here's the "hot take" part of this blog is: 

Pass on the upgrade. Do not let Google do it for you.

So, take a moment and listen. Do you enjoy nice things? It's probable that you've been given somebody else's unrealistic aims, incomplete event plans, and 35 unutilized custom dimensions. You have the opportunity to create a beautiful, pristine, data analytics future for your business. Wouldn't you grasp this chance?

This is a special opportunity that seldom arises--when an external business obligates one to reevaluate their plan. Without any internal political challenges to address, there is no reason to cling to the past. GA4 has a stunning, data-driven, AI-driven, event-based data model that is ready for you to exploit every component of.

Listen, you fortunate one. This situation occurred under your watch. It is your chance to get a merit in your belt, improve your organization's data, and impress your supervisor. Go get that advancement! I urge you to be purposeful with your GA4 update. Decide to opt-out. Don't let Google provide you with an imitation of your current arrangement. Make the choice now that you will be grateful for a year from now.

So what does the future hold? It's clear that Google Analytics is evolving, and GA4 is the future of analytics. It offers a more comprehensive view of user behavior and will allow businesses to better understand their customers and make data-driven decisions. With the help of Analytics Safe, the transition from safeguarding your UA data to be a smooth one, and we encourage businesses to make the switch to GA4 as soon as possible and ensure that you have access to the insights you need to succeed before you lose your UA Data.

Safeguard your Universal analytics data hassle-free with Analytics safe